Our Policies

  • Registration within the year is an ongoing process as space is available.

    Registration for September is available in November of the previous year on a first come first served basis.

    All families with children presently enrolled in the program will receive priority registration on a specific day.

    Children should be enrolled for the full ten month program and there is no refund for absences.

    The Preschool follows the Public School Schedule beginning the day after Labour Day and closing for Christmas and Spring Break. We will be open on public school professional days unless otherwise notified.

    Discovery Station will maintain a waiting list for each class of children. When there are vacancies, new children will be accepted.

    Children currently enrolled in one group and moving to another group, if space is available and setting is suitable for the child, will receive first priority.

    Families on the wait list will be contacted periodically to ensure that they are still requesting a space.

    No family will be discriminated against on the basis of race, language, socioeconomic status, gender or sexual orientation.

    Children who require extra supports are welcome in the program when the centre is able to provide the care that is necessary to promote development.

  • There is a $50 application Fee. This fee is nonrefundable.

    A deposit equal to one month’s tuition is required to hold a space. This amount will be credited to the last month tuition. Cancelation of a registration is non refundable after July 1 of the year of entry. Fees have been prorated to reflect an average of four weeks per month. We will follow the Langley School District schedule for holiday closures but will be open on all their non-instructional days.

    You will receive a Pre-authorized Debit form upon registration for the remainder of the year’s tuition.

    For entries into the program after the 1st of the month, a fee of $20 per class will be calculated

    Receipts for fees will be issued at calendar year end and at the end of June.

    NSF cheques will be subject to a $10 bank fee.

    Families taking vacations, short or extended, are expected to pay for a saved space.

  • One calendar month’s notice is required for withdrawal of a child from the program or one month’s fee in lieu of the notice. A minimum of 15 days notice is required to cancel the debit contract.

    A signed withdrawal form or written notice is required prior to withdrawing a child from the program.

  • You will be notified mid August of an Open House date where you are encouraged to bring your child to visit the centre. Spending an hour in the classroom will help your child become familiar with the teachers and to anticipate the first day of school. You will also receive information on your child's gradual entry times.

    Classes begin the first week of September after Labor Day. Your child will attend only once this first week. The first class will be 1 1/2 hrs . Half the class will attend the first day and the other half will come the next class day. The full schedule will emerge the following weeks.

  • To ensure your child’s safety, we require that you escort him/her into the classroom and help to settle his things in his assigned cubbie. Child Care Regulations require that all children be signed into class indicating the name of the person dropping the child off and the time they arrive. We ask that you arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to class time and to ensure pick up is prompt. Your child will look forward to your arrival and can easily become distressed if you are delayed. Upon your departure the designated pick up person must also sign the child out, indicating the time of departure.

    Due to COVID 19 this policy has been modified . Please see the COVID Health and Safety Policy

    The enrolled child will not be released to anyone other than those persons named on the daily sign in sheet or on the registration form.

    If the authorized person is not known to the staff, picture ID will be required.

    If an unauthorized person arrives to pick up a child, the parent or contact person will be contacted to obtain approval and identification to release the child.

    Staff will not release the child to an authorized person who is unable to adequately care for the child. If the staff person believes the child will be “at risk”; he or she will:

    ◦ Contact an alternate authorized person

    ◦ Contact the Ministry for Children and Family Development - 604-514-6121

    ◦ Contact the police

    If the child is not picked up at the end of the class time, the following procedure will be enacted:

    ◦ Attempting to contact parents or an alternate by telephone

    ◦ Contacting Ministry for Children and Family Development - 604-514-6121 emergency service.

    Discovery Station Staff may not take a child home if the child is not picked up.

    Due to COVID 19 this policy has been modified . Please see the COVID Health and Safety Policy

  • Discovery Station Preschool believes in hands on learning. We will use real articles, photos and pictures to visually enhance learning whenever possible. On occasion the teachers will use a Tablet or Lap Top to show something that can not otherwise be brought into the classroom. The children will not have use of these devices

  • Please dress your child in clothing that is appropriate for play. Please do not over dress them as they warm easily during play activities.

    To help your child be independent in the washroom, ensure that they can manage the zippers, buttons and clasps some clothing requires. Please do not use belts.

    The Preschool will supply art and water play smocks to help protect clothing.

    All children are required to wear soft soled footwear. Boots are not allowed in the classroom. A box is provided for slippers or extra shoes should you choose to leave a pair in school.

    We like to utilize the outdoor play area whenever possible. Please be sure to send along outerwear and footwear for these times.

  • Each child is to bring a small nutritional, low sugar snack as well as a small container of water. If juice is brought to school, your child will not be permitted to consume it. Filtered water will be offered in it’s stead. WE ARE A NUT FREE PRESCHOOL.

    Parents are required to provide the teacher with current information in regards to allergies.

    Children will not share snack with the exception of prearranged party days.

    Birthdays are celebrated at snack time. If you wish, you may bring a treat for each class member. We prohibit anything containing nuts and strongly discourage anything made of chocolate. Cakes can be messy. We recommend rice krispee squares, cookies or donut holes.

    Due to COVID 19 this policy has been modified . Please see the COVID Health and Safety Policy

  • Through a variety of teaching materials, media and by example, the teacher will share the knowledge of God, as taught in the Bible. The children will be presented with the following beliefs.

    We believe that God is our creator, that He is all powerful, all knowing, always present, all loving, completely truthful and always listening when we talk to Him.

    We believe that Jesus is God who came to earth in human form, was born of a virgin, crucified and risen to take the penalty of sin upon Himself.

    We believe God has given people a code of living that is designed for happiness. Values such as friendship, cooperation, responsibility, kindness and truthfulness will be encouraged.

    Because of the above beliefs, people of all races or religious faiths are welcome, accepted and respected.

  • In order to remain compliant to the new “Active Time Regulations” put forth from Child Care Licensing, it is important to inform you of the physical activities Discovery Station preschoolers will engage in. All our classrooms are equipped with large muscle apparatus. The children have access to these items indoors on a daily basis. Our circle time activities also require active participation with the use of dance, games and singing songs with hand motions. We also utilize parachutes, ribbon sticks, pom poms, bean bags and much more. On occasion we will go out on adventure walks on our safe neighborhood sidewalks . Our Preschool is equipped with a playground where the children will have opportunity to run, jump, climb and interact with one another. Many times the outside time will be at the end of class and children will be dismissed from the playground. The teachers will post a sign to notify you that we are out at play. During pleasant weather days we may use the outdoor space during Free Play time and dismissal will be indoors. The children will always be supervised in the outdoor area. Please be sure your child has appropriate outerwear and shoes for active play. Each centre has an area of resilient surfacing – pea gravel – making sandals or flip flops undesirable. The playground will be open to preschool families one half hour before and after class. During these times, parents are responsible to maintain preschool safety rules and must supervise children by being present in the play area.

  • This Preschool will conduct field trips when they appropriately enhance the program.

    Parents are required to arrange for transportation and submit payment for added expenses if necessary.

    Parents will be called upon to help with extra support during field trips.

    All volunteer drivers must be insured with no less than two million dollars liability coverage and ensure that all in their vehicle are safely buckled in.

    Siblings are not permitted to join field trips unless invited by the teacher.

    Due to COVID 19 this policy has been modified . Please see the COVID Health and Safety Policy

  • Children need to come to school healthy, free from fever over 100, undiagnosed rash, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive runny nose, virus transmitting coughs or exposure to communicable disease.

    Children who have contracted a communicable disease must be reported to teachers and the child will need a note from the doctor indicating that he/she is no longer contagious.

    All cases of head lice in the family must be reported to the teacher.

    Washing hands will be required before eating, after using the rest room, after wiping the nose, after a sneeze.

    Emergency medication can only be administered with the parents’ written consent and only if prescribed by the child’s physician and in it’s original container.

    If a child becomes ill during class time, the child will be isolated from the other children and the parents will be contacted to pick the child up. In the case of a serious accident the child will be transported to the nearest emergency room by ambulance. You or your emergency contact person will be notified immediately. It is required by the Licensing Officer that one parent sign the medical care consent on the Registration Form.

  • Screening Children and Caregivers

    As each child arrives for Preschool the teachers will conduct a wellness assessment with the parent or caregiver. If the child shows symptoms of being ill with the common cold, influenza, respiratory disease, COVID 19 – cough, low grade fever, runny nose, vomiting - they will be asked to stay at home until the symptoms subside. They can be encouraged to call 811 or see a doctor if possible. A clearance note from a physician is not necessary to return to class.

    Drop off and pick up will be conducted outdoors. There is space on the entrance balcony for four adults at one time. Parent/caregiver must wait at the bottom of the stairs for the space to clear before climbing the stairs. The sign in book will be filled out by the teacher as the child arrives or leaves. Teachers will assist the children in the classroom to put their coats and snack bags away and sanitize their hands. Children will read books until teachers are free to begin class. Teachers will prepare the children for pick up time and dismiss to parents as they wait on the deck or from the playground if they are outdoors.

    Adults who are unwell should find an alternate person to accompany their well child to class.

    Adults who need to enter the classroom to meet with the teacher should physically distance themselves from staff and other children.

    Should a child become ill during their time in the classroom, they will be isolated in the “Story Room” until the parent or caregiver arrives for pick up.

    We reserve the right to close a class or the school without financial compensation, should a teacher become ill and we are unable to find a suitable replacement.

    Screening of Staff

    Any staff member who feels ill with a fever, new or unusual cough should excuse themselves from teaching the class. Staff may return when symptoms subside. No clearance note from a physician is required however they should seek medical advice should symptoms worsen.

    Should a staff member begin feeling ill during class time, they will isolate themselves in the “Story Room” until a substitute responsible adult arrives to relieve them.

    If a parent, caregiver or staff member is unsure if they or a child should self-isolate, they should consult/review the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool, or the local 8-1-1 or their personal physician or the local public health unit.

    Classroom Hygiene Practices

    Before the classroom accepts a class of children, all tables, chairs, restrooms and high touch surfaces such as toys and door knobs must be disinfected using commercial detergents and disinfectant products. Garbage will be removed daily.

    Teachers will cycle new toys available for play between classes. Toys will be disinfected regularly.

    There is no evidence that the COVID virus is transmitted via books paper or other paper-based products. As such, there is no need to limit the distribution of books or paper based educational resources.

    A space in the classroom will be provided for parents who’s child is having difficulty separating. Once a teacher is available to assist the child, the caregiver will be asked to leave.

    Children and staff will use diligent hand hygiene. They will wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. When this is not available they will use hand sanitizer containing a minimum of 60% alcohol.

    Hand washing will be supervised by an adult:

    ◦ After sneezing or touching their nose or mouth with or without a tissue.

    ◦ After using the restroom

    ◦ Before eating

    ◦ After playing outdoors

    Children will be discouraged from hugging, holding hands or excessive personal contact. “Hands to yourself”.

    It is not recommended that children wear cloth or homemade masks.

    Children will not share food, drink containers or personal items.

    Parents/caregivers will only be allowed into the classroom by invitation of a staff member

    Preschool will refrain from activities and events that would encourage gatherings of adults where physical distancing will not be possible.

    Families who have a household member suspected or confirmed with the COVID virus must report this to the preschool manager as well as to public health authorities and must self isolate for 14 days.

    Families who travel outside of Canada or have a household member who has traveled outside Canada must quarantine for 14 days to ensure the health and safety of the preschool children and staff.

    This Policy may be modified as COVID conditions change.

Ways in Which Parents Can Help!

  1. Help your child to attend regularly and on time.

  2. Teach your child self-reliance by encouraging him to do things for himself, allowing for plenty of time. Teach her to take off & hang up her own belongings, put away toys at home, eat regular meals at the table together, establish healthy personal hygiene habits.

  3. Conference with the teacher about your child but refrain from discussing the concern in the child’s presence.

  4. Get to know your child’s teacher - work with her concerning any problems which may arise.

  5. Take an interest in the school and whatever your child brings home.

  6. Take time to listen to your child’s daily experiences, and discuss them with interest.

  7. Build in your child a wholesome, friendly attitude toward teachers and friends. Never speak negatively about them in the child’s presence.

  8. Take time to do things with your child, experience his/her uniqueness. This will help your child to anticipate happy experiences in relation to preschool.

For further information on additional policies, please see Classroom Policy Book located at the sign in desk.

  • Family Rights Policy

  • Parent Teacher Communication Policy

  • Confidentiality Policy

  • Safety and Washroom Policy

  • Visitors in the Classroom Policy

  • School Closures Policy

  • Behaviour Management Policy

  • Emergency Management Policy

  • Suspected Abuse Policy